Choosing to Embrace Unexpected Life Change

Beth Vogtchange, choices, encouragement, hope, Life, perspective, Quotes 22 Comments


The last few months I’ve experienced a few changes in my writing life.

As I worked on producing an audiobook of Things I Never Told You, book 1 in my Thatcher Sisters Series, and self-publishing Unpacking Christmas: A Thatcher Sisters Novella, I spent a lot of time in 2021 praying about “what’s next?”

The first answer to my “what’s next?” prayer surprised me. After 10 years with Rachelle Gardner as my agent, I’m now represented by Cynthia Ruchti of Books and Such Literary Management. Cynthia is a longtime friend and someone I trust and respect in the publishing industry. The transition, which was prayed over for weeks, went smoothly — accompanied by both tears and excitement. My friendship with Rachelle is as strong as ever and, as always, I consider her one of the best agents in the business.

The second answer to my ‘what’s next?” prayer is another surprise and affects everyone reading this.

I’m ending my weekly blog with this post.

 It’s still a bit odd to think about not writing a weekly blog post, but after evaluating how I’m using my time, I know this is the wise choice for me. I need to choose what I say yes to and what I say no to – and after years of saying yes to the blog, I’ve decided to take the hours I commit to blogging and use them for my fiction writing.

I appreciate each one of you for following this blog. I invite you to continue following me several different ways:


  1. Subscribe to my monthly Words of Encouragement. When you sign up, you’ll get a short novella, Revisions, written just for subscribers, as well as a 30-day devotional. And each month I’ll touch base with you with – what else? – words of encouragement, as well as book news and information about contests and giveaways and other authors I support. Sign up for Words of Encouragement here. 
  2. Follow me on my Author Facebook Page. On Mondays I do Monday Motivation Facebook Lives – short encouragements to start our week together – and on Fridays I do Friday Favorites Facebook Lives – sharing something fun that I found during the week. I also connect with you during the week with friends’ giveaways and book releases. Follow me here.
  3. Join my Dream Readers Group. I always link the FBLive videos here and I also plan to share about what I’m writing and other fun stuff in this more personal group for my readers. I’m working on a women’s fiction novel and a Christmas-themed novella. Join the group here. 
  4. Of course, check out my Author website. It’s getting revamped because of the blog transition, so stay tuned.
  5. Follow me on my Instagram page. I love Instagram because I’ve found so many encouraging, creative and inspiring friends there. I hope you join me there!
  6. Follow me on BookBub. This is another opportunity to stay connected about new releases and when my books go on sale. I also post book reviews and recommendations. You can follow me on BB here.

Again, I thank each one of you for joining me during the past years for this ongoing conversation. You’ve enriched my life and blessed me with your insights. I appreciate you, my friends.


Choosing to Embrace Unexpected Life Change #change #writing Share on X 'True life is lived when tiny changes occur.' #quote by Russian author Leo Tolstoy #change #choices Share on X


Comments 22

  1. We will miss your insights,
    the wisdom you would tell,
    but as you sail for other lights
    we smile, and wish you well,
    and know it’s wrong to tarry
    for too long in a single place,
    for ennui may bury
    what once had been a fresh bright grace.
    So voyage to that rising dawn
    that beckons, ‘cross the sea,
    and though we’re sad these days have gone
    we’ll find that there will be
    other ports in other lands
    where we may again touch hands.

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  2. These are excellent but necessary changes. I know the time and wisdom will be distilled into even greater excellence in all future writing. Thank you for all you have faithfully shared and we cheer for all that is ahead!

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      Thank you, Dee. I blog every month for Learn How to Write a Novel and The Write Conversation — both wonderful blogs that highlight a number of other bloggers — and also whenever God opens the door for guest posts. And of course, my Words of Encouragement, are similar in tone to these blog posts.

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  3. Your words have been a significant part of my journey, poking into corners of hidden thoughts and, so often, lifting my heart. For that, I am forever grateful.

    Best to you as you make this pivot to a new way to sow words of encouragement and to optimize your writing life and routine. I pray that it’ll spill over as great refreshment and fruitfulness in all areas of your life.

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  4. This is a change! I’m surprised, but knowing you as I do, this is not something you decided lightly. I’m so glad you’re able to listen to God and follow His leading. I pray for His blessing over your career and for Him to use you in new and exciting ways.

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  5. Beth, I will miss your blog posts, but I am following you in every way possible ( no stalking though lol) and I look forward more awesome words from you in the future!

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