In Others’ Words: Cure

Beth VogtIn Others' Words, Life 26 Comments

Good laugh Irish Proverb 11.20.13

We’ve all heard how an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

I’m not sure that’s true, but I do think there’s some truth to the healing power of laughter and sleep.

It’s been said that a cheery heart is good medicine (Proverbs 17:22) — and I have to believe laughter’s included there. And more and more studies reveal the importance of sleep — and how a lack of sleep impairs our ability to think.

Now I’m curious: Would you rewrite the proverb, given a chance?

A __________ and a ____________ are the best cures in a doctor’s book. 

In Your Words: What about you? What do you think are the best cures, along with laughter and a long sleep? How would you rewrite the proverb — or would you?

A good laugh + a long sleep = best cures in the doctor’s book  Click to Tweet 

Good Medicine: Laughter & Long Sleep Click to Tweet 

Comments 26

  1. I believe apple isn’t meant to be literal, but it’s used metaphorically to stress how a healthy lifestyle can keep the doctor away…at least, that’s how I take it.

    You’re right about sleep being so important! When I’m lacking sleep, I’m quite cranky and have fuzzy thinking. A good night’s sleep helps me feel like I can take on the world. A great laugh boosts the happy hormones in our bodies, which boosts our emotional wellbeing as well.

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  2. A dog and twenty-five more dogs are the best cures in a doctor’s book.

    And you expected different?

    Sleeping and laughter, well…

    I rarely smile, and almost never laugh. It’s something my wife pointed out – that when I think something is hysterically funny the corners of my mouth go up a little – and that’s it.

    And sleep…well. I can’t remember the last time I slept for more than 15 consecutive minutes. Total’s usually two hours a night. And it’s enough.

    Might explain a lot, but at least the dogs don’t mind.

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      No, Andrew, I didn’t expect anything different from you.
      And now I know your response to something hysterically funny. So now I’m curious: What besides dogs, do you find hysterically funny?

  3. For me, it’s a cup of tea and watching the birds at my feeders. My mind tends to spin out of control and these things allow God calm me and remind me of His presence. He takes care of the birds…how much more will He care for me?

    Time for that cup of tea!

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  4. A comfy couch and a good book (by Beth Vogt or some other amazing author).


    Miss you, friend! Truly, another thing that’s good for my stress level and, well, soul, is connecting with friends. A deep, true connection. There’s just something healing about it.

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  5. Loved this, Beth. And I can definitely attest to the the laugh and good sleep. Just see me when I’m coming off weeks of not enough sleep. It’s not pretty…..

    If I was going to change up this cure a little, I’d go for the spiritual/mental well being and say, “A hug and an encouraging word are the best cures in a doctor’s book.”

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  6. I agree with all of the above. Sleep, laughter, man’s best friend (or several), a roaring fireplace, a long walk outside (especially a walk on the beach where the ocean breeze can blow all my cares away).

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  7. Remember young psalmist David calming King Saul w/ praises on his harp? At around age 10 my younger son stayed sick nearly a week w/ a fever & stomach upset that would not quit. Then a good friend brought her guitar to our home and sang cheerful praise songs to him, ending w/ some funny ones. The sickness ended like a quick snap of the fingers and soon brought total recovery–wonderful!
    I was once w/ flue that held on a long time & received some James Herriott English vet books in the mail. I do remember laughing myself well quite quickly.

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