Sometimes a person’s legacy is left behind in the lives of those they influenced.
And sometimes a person’s legacy is heard in the echoes of words they said. Maybe that’s why I am such a quote aficionado.
Today is set aside to remember Martin Luther King, Jr, a man most famously known for the words, “I have a dream … “
In Your Words: If you could choose, which of your words would you want to be remembered by?
I have decided to stick with love. Click to Tweet
Which of your words would you want to be remembered by? Click to Tweet
Comments 14
I think I want to be remembered by what I didn’t say, as in,” She never said a negative word about anyone.”
I could most definitely say this about you, Pat.
That’s a tough one. I would want people to remember I said I was saved.
It is fought, isn’t it, Teri. I’ve been mulling it over all day.
My last words, which will undoubtedly be,
“Hey, Bubba, watch THIS!”
May as well be remembered as I lived, for real.
I love telling students, family and friends these true words: “I know what’s in you, and you can do it.”
Beautiful encouragement, Dee.
That God is unfailing…forever faithful. I may not have an eloquent sentence to put it in, but I want to be remembered for my complete faith in God and hopefully how His faithfulness was seen through me.
Eloquent sentences not needed. Love your heart.
I have a coworker and friend who is amazing about telling people she loves them. I love that about her and it’s made an impact on me. People like to say actions speak louder than words, but I think we need to hear the words too. So I’d like to be remembered as someone who said the words.
It’s amazing how others influence our lives and our decisions … and even how we want to be remembered.
Great post, thought provoking. Perhaps mine is simply “God is my Rock -in whom I take refuge.”
Love this.
I could never read the children’s book to my students about his life without getting choked up at, “I have a dream …” All that comes to mind is being remembered for saying “I love you” often and sincerely.