Go ahead, be a wise guy.
Sometimes we discredit ourselves. We discount how much we know. Downplay our hard-earned experience. Overlook how we’ve matured. Let’s face it, you can’t go through life without learning a few things, right? And who knows you better than you do?
Have you ever participated in one of those “Write a letter to your younger self” exercises? That’s one way to be a wise guy. Sure, your “younger self” can’t do anything with all that sage advice like listen to people rather than talking at them or remember that the choices you make now will affect you five years from now. But the you of today can listen to your wisdom. And you probably are.
What struggle are you facing today? What problem are you puzzling over? Are you asking other people to help you figure it out? It’s true that asking a lot of advisors gives you wisdom — so long as they are wise advisors. (Proverbs 15:22) But don’t forget to include yourself in that group of advisors. You know who you are. You know your strengths. Your weaknesses. Your abilities.Your goals. Listen to what you have to say.
In Your Words: What bit of advice would you give yourself today?
[ctt template=”8″ link=”9Qcce” via=”yes” ]In Others\’ Words: Be a Wise Guy http://wp.me/p63waO-2jE #InOthersWords #quote #takeyourownadvice[/ctt] [ctt template=”8″ link=”GK31a” via=”yes” ]\”Nobody can give you wiser advice than yourself.\” http://wp.me/p63waO-2jE #quote #Cicero #takeyourownadvice[/ctt]
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Comments 11
What advice?
Adopt another dog. take up the stray before you, and hold him close.
Give everything in your pockets to the homeless man, and bring him lunch, bought on your ATM card.
Help the old lady in Wal-Mart, and the crippled veteran in Home Depot.
Buy lunch for the cop standing in line behind you at McD’s.
Give everything you’ve got, because it was never yours to begin with.
You are a wise guy, Andrew. In the very best meaning of those words.
Thanks, Beth.
I wish I could then sit down to lunch with you at McD’s. <3
Don’t procrastinate! Six months passes a lot faster than you’ll ever believe.
Can you tell where I am?
I know exactly where you are. And sometimes we don’t procrastinate — procrastination is forced upon because life happens. You know what I mean?
Oh, Beth … I needed this? What advice to give myself? Lately, I’ve been telling myself to hang on to peace, not fear. I do have a choice. I just have to be stronger in my mind and heart than my gut instinct, I guess. And to keep plugging along. Surely it will pay off. xoxoxo
Shelli: Hang on to peace, not fear. Good advice, my friend. And yes, it’s a choice every day to do just that. It’s why I do the Scripture writing plan every morning. It anchors me. Believing with you and for you! xoxo
It’s late in the day and I only just got time to sit down and read this. As I did, I hear that my letter to my younger self would say, 1. “Give yourself more credit than you do. You’ve got a lot more going for yourself than you think you do.” And 2. “You’re doing a better job of moving forward overall than you think you are.” I’m pleased to “hear” both statements.
I love both of those statements.
I also wish I’d met you so much sooner than I did.
That is such a nice thing to say & I definitely thank God for meeting when we did. I also know Quality is better than Quantity, n’est pas?