In Others’ Words: Do It Right or Do It Over

Beth Vogtgoals, In Others' Words, Quotes 10 Comments

Do Over 2017


Sometimes a person says something and there’s just no arguing with them. 

I mean, former UCLA basketball coach John Wooden says it straight up, doesn’t he? If we don’t have time to do something right, do we really think we’re going to find extra time for a do-over?

Do it once. Do it right. And be done with it. 

I understand there are some things you can’t do once. ( All you writers out there, I know that writing is rewriting! ) But there are plenty of things that are habit — things we know how to do right the first time, allowing us to then move on to those things in our lives requiring more time, more attention, more effort.

There are certain aspects of my life that are challenging — and I’m certain that is true for you, too. But there are plenty of things we know how to do right — and it’s good to remind ourselves of that. Why not make our lives easier — and avoid unneeded do-overs — and do those things right the first time? We’ll save ourselves time for those things that truly require more time and effort — and also save ourselves frustration and regret.

In Your Words: How do you ensure that you do things once, do them right, and are done with them?  

[ctt template=”8″ link=”3fv8f” via=”yes” ]In Others\’ Words: Do It Right or Do It Over #quotes #goals [/ctt] [ctt template=”8″ link=”q42c0″ via=”yes” ]\”If you don\’t have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?\” #JohnWooden #quotes [/ctt]




Comments 10

  1. Good point here, but as things progress I kinda-sorta-maybe get things so they work, and keep going.

    It’s like crossing a brook by jumping from rock to rock. Getting across elegantly is cool, but an ugly and dry crossing achieves the same end.

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  2. I loved John Wooden! Love this quote too.

    John Wooden sent my niece, Kelly, letters after she was in a tragic accident. Kelly went from being an IU cheerleader and nationally ranked athlete to a quadriplegic when she was hit by a drunk driver. But she had Mr. Wooden’s mindset. Her disability was NOT going to define her. She went on to finish her degree and is now an author (Fractured Not Broken), mentor, teacher, wife and mother.

    We MUST take the necessary steps to walk toward success, even if we stumble, even if those steps aren’t perfect. You can’t edit a blank document, right? If we let fear of failure dominate our lives, we will stay AVERAGE. Who wants that? It’s too wasteful.

    Great post, Beth.

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      Michelle: Thank you for sharing your niece’s story. How inspiring that she didn’t let what happen to her define her or stop her from living a fulfilling life. I’m certain she had to adjust what “doing it right” looked like — and let go of her original plans and dreams. But that’s a certain type of bravery, isn’t it?

  3. Yes, great post, & Michelle’s true post above is great, too.
    I often proceed at a fairly fast pace a little slap-dash, so sometimes do have to correct things but totally agree with your quote today. Wishing you well!

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      There have been times I don’t even start something for fear of not getting it right — and what does that accomplish? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I could at least be doing the simple, small things that I know how to do — and do them right the first time — so that I can tackle the greater challenges. And maybe in doing so, I work up the courage to take on whatever it is that scares me.

  4. Beth, such a great post. I thought about my boys and their responsibilities, and how many times I’ve tried to explain to them that if they just do it right the first time, they’re done with it. And they can play or whatever. 😉 I’ve found that usually, doing something right versus just doing something fast only takes a wee bit longer. And then I know that it’s done.

    Of course, with writing, doing it right comes through learning, making mistakes, fits and starts, and having the determination to keep moving forward. 🙂

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      Jeanne: This quote takes on a whole different meaning when applied to writing. Of course, we have to do “it,” and do it right — even if “right” means writing a messy first draft. Whatever stage of writing we’re at — synopsis, fast draft, rewriting — we need to do it “right.”

  5. First, I have to learn how to do them right. Then once that’s sorted, I have commit to doing them properly, over and over. Some short cuts are beneficial. Some are a waste of time and energy, or do damage that cannot be fixed.
    Measure twice, cut once.

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