In Others’ Words: In Between

Beth VogtFun, In Others' Words, Life, Quotes 17 Comments

goals and life quote sid caesar 10.11.13So, how’d the week go for you? Did you accomplish all your goals? Some of them? Did one or two elude you?

But what about the “in between”?

How did you do with living and enjoying life this week?

I admit it: I sometimes get so caught up in the goals — the I wants and the I shoulds and the I musts — that I forget to have fun. To relax. Breathe a little. And ensure that the beats of my life include enjoyment.

 In Your Words: How’d the “in betweens” go for you this week? What did you do to ensure that you lived life and added a dash of en-joy-ment?

Are you focused on the goals & overlooking the “in-betweens”?  Click to Tweet

How do you add a dash of en-joy-ment to your days? Click to Tweet


Comments 17

  1. I love that quote. And seeing the sun shining through the leaves makes me sigh. Just beautiful.

    I didn’t accomplish all I had hoped to this week, but I’m figuring out what I need to do differently to be more productive. I also am trying to “be” more than “do,” which opens up a little space for enjoying life. With kids home for fall break, I’ll be slowing down some to enjoy time with them, playing games, doing some things together. And writing and meeting goals as I am able.

    I enjoyed by spending some time with friends this week. Always love chatting time. 🙂

  2. Not a week we would want to relive. To put it mildly.

    Between the abysmal lows of a parent’s death, however, there were moments of laughter. They came with acceptance of the wrenching change, and the determination that the good times would not be allowed to fade away.

    Denial and creating a hard shell force away tears, but they force away joy, as well.

    Here endeth the lesson.

  3. Love this, Beth. I met a huge goal this week, so thankfully, I was able to have some wonderfully relaxing “in betweens” afterward. Thanking God for rest. (And for the friends who cheered me through that goal and celebrated with me when it was met!)

  4. Beth, great insight. Remembering to slow down and enjoy the moment is something most struggle with, I’d say.

    I’ve played volleyball with friends for nearly ten years now (February will be ten years). That’s my major time of relaxation and enjoyment in the week, especially since I get the chance to play twice a week. But there are so many other little things that make life worth the living (and enjoying), including movie night with my family, working on a writing project, hitting 1700 words one day this week (after a week of struggling to find words), and starting up tennis with my sister and a couple of young friends. Oh, and my job of tutoring middle-schoolers is joyful. So many more that I won’t name, but just know they’re there. God has blessed me so abundantly. How can I complain of anything when He’s been so good to me? (Dear Lord, please help me remember that!)


      1. Oh, Beth, how fun! Hope CJ enjoys her first season of club ball. I’ve only played recreationally, except for one tournament. My team got third place, and my sis and I got to keep the trophy. 😀 I’ve been playing for fun for ten years, come February. I’ve been blessed to play with coaches and other guys and gals who had more experience than I did. They all have taught me so much about the game. Recently, one of them complimented me on my defensive skills, so apparently I’m still improving.

        Have a blast watching your daughter play! I know she’ll entertain you well.

  5. Love the photo! You can “feel” the sunshine! It has been a “balanced” week for me, thankfully. Work, family, friends, writing, reading. I love it when I can touch all the bases 🙂

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