My husband laughed and summed up today’s blog post in two words: Change happens.
You can’t argue with the man.
January was a month of change for me as a writer.
- I started on book 2 in my Thatcher Sisters Series — always fun to develop new characters and plot a new story. “Why?” is the repeated question during this process.
- I finished Revisions, a free novella for my newsletter subscribers that asks the question “What does it take to rewrite the mistakes of the past?”
- I worked with Matt Jones of Jones House Creative to get my new website up. And today is launch day! I hope you take a few moments to browse around my new “home.” Matt did a beautiful job in capturing my vision for this new site.
- The stained glass represents the theme of brokenness and my desire to see the beauty in the fragments in my life. God is the Master-Healer, and I trust Him to bring good out of all things. All things.
- Look around and you’ll see hummingbirds, which always remind me that God loves me. Go here to read the story of how I learned that lesson.
- And yes, my motto of “God’s best is often behind the door marked ‘Never'” remains because some things remain true no matter how much life changes.
- 2018 also marks my transition from writing contemporary romance to writing women’s fiction for Tyndale House Publishers with the release of Things I Never Told You in May. This new website reflects the change in my writing, too.
So, there you have it. Welcome, friends, to my new website. I know I’m going to like it here — and I hope you do, too.
In Others’ Words: What creative thinking have you been about lately? What ideas are inspiring change in your life?
In Others' Words: Inspiring Change #quotes #change Share on X Creative thinking inspires ideas. Ideas inspire change. #quotes #inspiration Share on X
Comments 25
LOVE the new website!
Nothing really creative here, and having been beaten into a corner of pain and dread, I’m not really willing to change. It’s just been too much.
I’m told I should accept my situation, fall into it, embrace my weakness.
Yeah, RIGHT.
Today was the worst of days, and I am roaring back out of Hell, still the same, still me. Armed to the teeth, and I can’t even spell comprimize.
Fear the darkness for I am in it.
And every night, when the boogeyman goes to sleep, he checks under the bed to make sure I’m not hiding there.
When the sun explodes and the world melts, I’ll be here, wearing my Oakleys, having a beer, getting a tan.
I have to admit, Andrew, that you gave me a smile at 1:28 a.m.
You may not be willing to change, my friend, but you do know how to inspire people. And you do know how to stay the course and be true to self better than anyone I know.
And that phrase about “when the boogeyman goes to sleep, he checks under the bed to make sure I’m not hiding there”?
May I borrow it sometime? I’ll be sure to give you credit.
Thanks so much, Beth…and absolutely, you can borrow the phrase! I’m honoured.
Change is inevitable and, in the case of your website, it’s beautiful. Nothing stays the same in this world and yet the basics are the same: sin, pain, sadness, love, laughter, joy. And God. God is always the same.
Thank you for the reminder that, in the midst of all the change, God remains the same. That truth brings such comfort and stability.
Yes, I love Andrew’s phrase. It’s like my spin on lions trapped in the Daniel Den because they weren’t free to operate. I love that a few days ago God showed me Rev. 3:12 in a different way, that overcomers are m-a-d-e, which is a process with Him in charge–that explains a lot, but he doesn’t include any more than is necessary for us to get the picture. In terms of personal creativity, I’m learning to begin plotting my next book by sticking key ideas toi more of a framework than before and TAKE NO PRISONERS.
This conversation today is just brimming with inspiration. Of course, we’re talking with creatives, so I shouldn’t be surprised. Love the idea of “taking no prisoners” when it comes to plotting. You have a blog post there, my friend.
Ahhh, Dee. I love what you said about Revelation 3:12. I’m actually preparing a blogpost on that passage. May I use your thoughts? I’ll give you credit.
LOVE the new site. Love YOU in Jesus!
Excited for your new path!
Hi, Cynthia!
Hugs to you, my friend. I’ve got your newsletter in my inbox and I’m looking forward to reading that — it’s like a virtual hug from you!
Awww! So glad!
Beth, I love this new site. This blogpost. Yes, change happens. On the creative end, I am working on my current story in a different way than I have work past books. It’s scary, and exciting.
And, with the lunar eclipse, I figured out how to work my camera to get shots that made me happy. Learning something new about something I love doing always inspires creativity.
I’m looking forward to reading all about the Thatcher sisters!
Jeanne: Change is good. I didn’t use to believe that, but I’m embracing that truth more and more. It can be hard good, at times. Uncomfortable, but something good always comes from it.
For me, it’s not a “what” but a “who.” I always had a (mistaken) idea that retirement years meant relaxation, rest, lack of responsibility, and a carefree lifestyle. Ha! While cleaning and organizing the janitor’s closet in my job at our church a couple years ago, I thought to myself, “Never did I think this is what I would be doing at the age of 66!” It’s God and people – my friends, family, co-workers, etc. – who inspire change in me. Who challenge me to go beyond myself, to try things I didn’t think I could do, to inspire me to say “yes” when my first reaction is “no,” and to listen to my heart and dream a little (yes, Beth?). And you, my friend, are such a big part of this! Your friendship and encouragement have always been and will always be a balm to my soul. By the way, I love this website! The stained glass/hummingbird header and your GORGEOUS picture are sensational! Love you so much!!
Fran, I just sat here and reminisced at some of the dreams we’ve seen come true: in Maryland, in Florida … and across the miles, as we’ve talked and prayed with one another and for one another. And you, my friend, are a dream-keeper, someone who treasures others’ dreams and cheers them on. And yes, now’s the time for you to dream out loud. <3
Treasures of the heart: sharing the weaving of our tapestries, helping one another reshape our broken glass into beauty, and cheering our God sightings of hummingbird victories!
Amen and amen.
Thanks for sharing my quote. I dig it when I see folks talking about what they can do to stimulate a healthier society. For every problem there can be several solutions, we just have to be open to different possibilities.
Hi, Barbara, I so appreciate you joining the conversation today. I love quotes and wanted to find a quote about change to celebrate the launching of my new website. As a creative, your quote inspired and encouraged me as I ended one season of change and continued in another. And, as you can see, it sparked some wonderful conversation. And yes, there are often different solutions to the challenges we face. That’s why I love talking with others — and brainstorming book ideas with other writer-friends.
Love the new website and darker font! Makes it so much easier to read. Change. Most of the time we resist it, but when it becomes the new normal, we fight to keep it.
Thanks for the feedback, Pat.
And yes, change eventually becomes the new normal.
I love, love, love your new website, Beth!
Love the stained glass and the theme of brokenness. May we all tread lightly in each other’s lives and allow the Master Healer to use our hands, feet, and words to help meld shards into banners of beauty and light. He is able.
I’m also excited to see where your genre change will take you and your readers.
As for me: Renewed hope and the thought that God might just use my brokenness … again … is inspiring in itself. What shape the overflow of that will take is TBA.
God always uses our brokenness. After all, He used the brokenness of His only son to save the world …