Comments 7

  1. One thing that stands out above ALL the other lessons I’ve learned this past year and a half?

    Be patient.

    Add to that a discerning ear, a heart open to a nudge form God and to not, NOT, N-O-T try to rush God’s timing.
    He doesn’t wonder. He doesn’t worry. He doesn’t wear a watch. He doesn’t look under His feet to observe the stars to see when it’s time to move. He could hold the sun against His chest and darken the world if He wanted to.
    He could do anything He wants.

    So maybe I should get used to sipping tea on the deck, while He sends the birds to sing over me?

    My stories will arrive just in His time.

  2. For awhile, I was waiting for my story to show itself to me. I was busy with other things. Now, I have to get it written! And you know what, the story is coming together in my head.
    I’ve waited for the fulfillment of dreams that I couldn’t “make” happen. I had to wait for God’s timing to bring those dreams to fruition. In the waiting, I learned, and grew, so that when God fulfilled the dream, I was equipped to live in it. Well, equipped for the first part of it anyway. 🙂 He continues to equip me as I live out this dream each day.

    1. Jeanne, I love your beautifully written comment. It echoes my own thoughts about my writing process.


  3. You know me and patience, how I ask God about it and He gave me a book to write. And writing has certainly taught me patience. But I don’t think patience is sitting and doing nothing. I think it’s doing what God called us to do without worrying when something BIG will come out of it. He doesn’t give us dreams to snatch them away…but everything is in His timing.

    1. I so agree with you, Patricia! Sitting around doing nothing is a great way to get frustrated and realize how little patience you actually have. We’ve got to do the things God’s currently placed in our paths. Let the future things worry about themselves. Focus on the now. How may we serve God now? He will use those things the prepare us for the future.


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