In Others’ Words: Realistic Boundaries

Beth VogtIn Others' Words, Quotes, Reality 8 Comments

I love the honesty of this quote. 

Oh, sure, there have been times when I wanted to believe I could do it all. But thinking I was some amazingly talented Superwoman was, at the least, unrealistic. Put it another way, that kind of thinking was just plain ridiculous.

Life became much more livable when I realized my boundaries: what I’m good at and what I’m not good at. 

I’m good with words.

Numbers? Nope. I’m not good with those — especially when your throw in mathematical symbols.

I’m good at seeing the big picture — not so good at seeing the finer details. (Unless I’m editing — then I’m all about the minutiae.)

Life is better now that I know who I am — the boundaries of my “yes, I can’s” and “no, I can’ts” because I know what I’m capable of doing well. It allows me to excel where I’m able, and to applaud others when they step up and do well, displaying their talents and abilities.

Knowing my personal boundaries doesn’t make me less or more than anyone else. It just allows me to more confidently be myself. 

In Your Words: What’s helped you define your personal boundaries? What’s one thing you know you do well? One thing that you bow out and say, “Nope, that’s not my area of expertise”?

In Others' Words: Realistic Boundaries #perspective #quotes Share on X ''I'm very realistic. I know my boundaries - I know what I'm good at and what I'm not good at.' #quote by @victoriabeckham #boundaries Share on X




Comments 8

    1. Post

      Sorry for the delay in responding to your poetic response. 🙂 I was traveling today.
      I know you are a man who sees no limits. And I admire that about you, my friend.

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  1. What’s allowed me to define my personal boundaries? Probably too many times of butting my head against them thinking I could do something God never created me to do…or be. 😉 Like you, I’m learning to live within the boundaries that are me and to see where God wants to expand said boundaries. 🙂

    One thing not my area of expertise? Calculus and embracing change. 😉

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