In Others’ Words: Seeing the Invisible

Beth VogtIn Others' Words, perspective, Quotes 6 Comments

Growing up can limit our vision.

When we’re young, we imagine just about anything is possible. And what is imagination but seeing with our mind’s eye?

We see the faraway lands in fairy tales … we envision all sorts of creatures and quests … and yes, we even see how our lives would be different, given the chance.

But then time changes us. We face reality. We “know better.” And our vision focuses on what we can see. Why waste our time daydreaming, dwelling in the moments of the unseen where we wish upon stars and dare to look past the here and the now and see more?


Because dreams are birthed just past the reach of reality. Passion burns brightest just outside the limits of “knowing better.” I’m not advocating recklessness or abandoning yourself with no consideration of others. But vision demands you remember your childhood, when anything was possible … when you were possible. When you looked up and saw the stars. When you looked out and saw others as potential friends, not enemies. When your vision was wide, encompassing things invisible.

In Your Words:  How has growing up limited your vision — or has it? How have you mastered the art of seeing the invisible?


In Others' Words: Seeing the Invisible #quotes #perspective Share on X 'Vision is the art of seeing things invisible.' quote by Jonathan Swift #vision #imagination Share on X


Both of these opportunities end tonight! The e-book version of my women’s fiction novel, Things I Never Told, is on sale until August 14. And don’t miss the Tyndale Author Scavenger Hunt for the chance to win multiple prizes, including a Grand Prize valued at more than $400!

The #ebookdeal for Things I Never Told You by award-winning author @bethvogt ends today! Get it for only $2.99! #Crazy4Fiction Share on X




Photo of 13 Tyndale House Publisher Authors for the Summer Road Trip Scavenger Hunt

Join me and 12 other Tyndale authors for our Summer Road Trip Scavenger Hunt! 13 stops! 13 giveaways! 1 $400 GRAND PRIZE #giveaway! Join the fun on the Tyndale Fiction’s Scavenger Hunt! Head over to FrancineRivers blog to start road-trippin’! #Crazy4Fiction

The Tyndale Fiction's Scavenger Hunt ends today! Last chance to head over to @FrancineRivers blog to start the road trip! #Crazy4Fiction #giveaway Share on X


Comments 6

  1. Yeah, well, I never grew up, and I’m still riding the dragon of my dreams.

    You get off, you get eaten.

    As Tom Petty said, if you never slow down you never grow old, and growing old has never been on my to-do list.

    Live fast, die young, and leave a beautiful corpse. Oh, yeah!

    1. Post
  2. Beth, we do tend to lose sight of the dreams and imaginings of our youth. I’ve found that dreams return when my heart is in tune with God. And those dreams are often way bigger than what I can accomplish. I have to be walking with God through the valleys and over peaks to see them come to fruition.

    1. Post
  3. If anything, growing up has expanded my vision and expectation. I’m thankful for that.
    And for some reason, my internet carrier had started shuffling your and some other valued posts to my spam folder. I’ll be keeping a closer eye on that.

    1. Post

      Hi, Dee:
      You most definitely are a woman of vision — great vision, both in real life and spiritually.
      And I’ve been dealing with emails being dumped into spam for weeks now. Such a frustration.

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