I believe that you can never have too many books.
Here’s proof: A year ago, my husband and I did some time-to-get-serious cleaning of closets and bookshelves. I forced myself to part with some books. (When I wrote that last sentence, I originally typed the words “get rid of” but that sounded so callous.) I cried when I had to give those books away. Yep. I did.
I’ve always loved books.
Before I was a writer, I was a reader. Growing up, the library was my favorite place to visit and I always stretched the limit of how many books I could check out at one time. I wish I could remember the first book I ever purchased, but I don’t. More than likely, it was a romance. Or something historical. Maybe a biography. But I do remember the struggle I always faced trying to decide between my favorite authors … or between two or three interesting titles.
I love giving books as gifts. My children could count on receiving books for birthday or Christmas … or just because. I wanted them to love reading as much as I do. Now I read the same books I read aloud to my children to my two GRANDgirls.
Now that I’m an author, my relationship with books has changed. I know more about the “how” of a book than I ever imagined. I’ve met authors I’ve admired and listened to them talk about their writing lives. Learned from them. Experienced the changes of the publishing world up-close and personal.
And I love books all the more.
Books have been a constant in my life for decades, one way or another — a worthwhile investment of money and time.
In Your Words: What’s the last book you bought? Is there a book you’re looking forward to reading? If you’re a writing, what book are you working on?
[ctt template=”8″ link=”0WEdY” via=”yes” ]In Others\’ Words: Spending Money http://wp.me/p63waO-2nt #quotes #booklovers[/ctt] [ctt template=”8″ link=”S0fgq” via=”yes” ]\”When I get a little money, I buy books; and if any is left, I buy food and clothes.\” http://wp.me/p63waO-2nt #quote #booklovers[/ctt]
Comments 17
Oh, gosh, Beth. The shelves here are overflowing, books are stacked everywhere…and I am typically reading two or three at once. I have to; reading is the main way in which I keep my morale up, through a gaining of perspective.
What I’m considering writing, if I receive a remission of illness, is a book about what it’s like to be circling the drain, at least from my perspective. I think that a lot of people get it wrong, talking about sadness and melancholy. It hurts too much, for one thing…you concentrate on getting your head oer the next wave of pain, and there’s no room for sorrow, just hard-edged survival.
And it’s WEIRD. With pain and incipient shock, along with occasionally not being able to get enough oxygen, come surrealistic experiences, like waking dreams. Today, for instance, I was looking at the eastern mountains bathed in the light of the setting sun…and it was suddenly as if I was standing in the spine of a very large book that was being closed. The light started to dim, from both sides.
When I told B she was concerned, but I just thought…dude, HEAD TRIP!
Given that the triage term for ‘still breathing but on the way to the dead pile’ is expectant, I am thinking of calling this, with a nod to that famous resource for new mothers…
“What To Expect When You’re Expectant”.
Yeah, I know. It’s going to make corpsmen howl with laughter, and the lay public shake its collective head in puzzlement.
Like you, I’m often reading two or three books at one time. Right now, I’m working on two novels and two nonfiction. One of the nonfiction books deals with vulnerability — need to get started on this one — and one deals with prayer.
I like your idea that reading helps us gain perspective. So true. Reading expands our perspective.
That book title? What to Expect When You’re Expectant?
I just bought Tackling the Fields by Janet W. Ferguson. ?
Elizabeth: I see that is part of a series. Have you read the other books?
Yes. I read Leaving Oxford and enjoyed it.
Well Beth, you echo my life completely. From going to the library, to purchasing my first book to my first gift of a book, to purging my closets and stash! One book from the library when I was younger was The Silver Challis. A gift when I was Ten was The Five Little Peppers and How They Grew. First books purchased Janette Oke, Last book purchased with a gift card : The Inn At Oceanside by Colleen Coble. Now I just win them on blog sites and authors sites. I have won almost 100 in the last two years. Oh and don’t forget the library book sales for $1 each., included in the 100, as well as gifts from friends ( about 8). Sometimes my husband just shakes his head and asks what I’m going to do with all those books! Well, there’s the Church Library to donate to or give to friends. As you probably guess– I’m looking forward to reading my TBR PILE.
Thanks for sharing your book memories with us! My friend Mary always buys me the best books for my birthday or Christmas — she even found me a massive book of quotes at Goodwill! And yes, I often browse it for this blog.
I, too, read Janette Oke, and I have Colleen Coble’s latest novel, as well as Rachel Hauck’s and Courtney Walsh’s. (I recommend both.) My husband begged me to get a Kindle in an effort to conquer my TBR piles. Now I have both a virtual TBR pile and multiple real TBR piles. He just deals with it.
Well, Beth! I didn’t even mention all the ebooks I have on my iPad. Mine are around 100 there mostly free! Then my husband has a lot of classics like Conan Doyle and Workd History stuff. We are retired so don’t have much of a budget for books! I did win a copy of Courtney’s book. I read Colleen ‘s Because Your Mine but look forward to the Rock Harbor book! And Rachel ‘s is there on my pile, too! Not enough time!!!! Blessings
It seems like I buy a book almost every other day on my Kindle! Doc Mabry’s last book is one I’ve bought recently.
Pat: I completely understand! I have your latest book waiting for me in my TBR. And Doc’s book looks good, too.
Most recent purchase was “The Captain’s Daughter” by Jennifer Delamere. Before that were Karen Witemeyer’s and Kate Breslin’s newest (which was a five star favorite). I’m trying not to buy too much because of being in the middle of a move and having well over 2,000 books already!
As far as writing goes, I’m working on a WW1 spy novella. A great escape from moving stress! I find writing is a great way to relax.
Hannah: Oooh, a WW1 spy novella. How intriguing.
Hmmm … should I take the time and count my books???
I have books stacked everywhere. Shelves are full too! The only way my husband lets me get more is if I donate what I’ve read and reviewed to our church library. I take two or three almost every week.
Right now I’m finishing up To Wager Her Heart and then I’ll start Ghost Heart.
Gail: I do love the idea of donating books to your church library.
I also love the little free libraries that have sprung up in neighborhoods. Have you ever “visited” one of those?
I’ve never seen one anywhere around my city. My eye doctor has a four shelf bookcase in her waiting room. You’re welcome to take a book as long as you leave one in its place.
The last book I bought was fellow author, Stacy Monson’s 3rd book in her Chain of Lakes series. I had enjoyed her first two & also wanted to encourage her craft/ministry. Reading it on plane and in Denmark, I am not disappointed–it’s also like having another close friend here. Chris. book lovers/writers make the GREATEST friends, as you may have you noticed
What a wonderful perspective, Dee. And yes, supporting other authors is a joy.