In Others’ Words: Surrounded by Story

Beth VogtIn Others' Words, Quotes, story 20 Comments

Surrounded by story 2017

More and more, I have come to love story. 

My life story — and other people’s life stories, too.

To be honest, there are times I see someone and, at first, I’m closed to their story. Maybe they seem a little too different from me … and I’m put off. But I’ve learned to say to myself, “This person is made in the image of God,” and doing so opens me to their story.

And then I ask that person about the tattoos on their arms — and learn about their grandfather who lived in Germany and owned a cuckoo clock (true story). Or I compliment someone on their multicolored hair — and earn a surprised look, a hesitant smile, and a “thank you.” Who knows? Maybe for that brief moment, I added a bit of positive to that person’s story.

Sometimes we only get bits and pieces of another person’s story. Sometimes we are invited into another person’s life — and we become friends. A part of their story. Whatever, story is everywhere. And story is valuable.

When someone shares the truth of who they are with me, I am blessed. I am honored by their honesty. I am changed as they tell me of obstacles overcome, lessons learned, and how love has healed their wounds.

In Your Words: When has someone else’s story encouraged you?

[ctt template=”8″ link=”d57kb” via=”yes” ]In Others\’ Words: Surrounded by Story #quotes #story[/ctt] [ctt template=”8″ link=”fd6yO” via=”yes” ]\”We are surrounded by story.\” #quotes #perspective[/ctt]







Comments 20

  1. Love the picture.

    The only story that matters to me comes from the film “Lone Survivor”, when Michael Murphy tells Marcus Luttrell:

    “You are never out of the fight.”

    If my story is ever told, I don’t know if it will or should inspire anyone. Survival is not a clean game, and involves an element of personal ruthlessness (with oneself, and with others) that is not to be commended to a Christian worldview.

    I have an enemy, its name is Cancer, and I am going to slaughter it. I will lay waste to vast swathes of Grace and Creation to win, and if I go into that Good Night, it will not be gently.

    The devil will cower in fear at the destruction that will ensue.

    It’s a true story, but I suspect it’s not one that anyone will really want to read.


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      I’m glad you love the photo of sweet Pippin sleeping on my laptop.
      And thank you for sharing some of your story with us this morning.
      Your ongoing battle with Cancer is only part of your story — and I do not mean to diminish what you’re facing when I say that. I’m just acknowledging that there is more to your story than this — I happened to meet your during this chapter. One of the themes of your life is courage, that’s for sure and certain.

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      I would agree with you, that everyone has unique stories to share. And yes, hearing each other’s stories is delightful, eye-opening, and sometimes life-changing.

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  2. Yesterday I watched the eclipse with a family in my neighborhood. We barely knew each other before. It was an interesting and sweet time to share such and experience and get to know each other in the process.

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      Jackie: How fun that the eclipse brought you all together and now you have that shared experience — that story — uniting you! And you also shared story with one another! Love it! 🙂

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  3. Beth, how are you, my friend? It’s been a long time since I’ve visited your site because summer has been so crazy busy here. But I heard God’s whisper that I should visit today, and I’m glad I did because I felt called to pray extra for Andrew once I read y’all’s conversation. God is so great and wise and comforting. I’m so grateful for the privilege of praying for His children.

    Last week, I was on vacation at a friend’s house out of state from my own home. I had never met her mom before, but I was really excited to meet her and get to know her. So when we were together, I sat back and listened as this sweet woman told me story after story, all sharing bits of herself with me. I returned the favor and shared bits of myself with her too, and I enjoyed every moment, but those times when I was listening were some of my favorites of the entire trip. There’s just something special about truly hearing another person’s heart speak to you. I cherish those memories already, and hope to do so for a long time.


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      Andrea: So good to “see” you again! 🙂 I know how busy-ness can disrupt our lives, in good ways, but still, we can sometimes miss seeing some of the people we care about. 🙂
      I love how you mention how listening is such a vital part of sharing story. I can talk, talk, talk … but it is only as I am silent and listening that I learn someone else’s story. It’s only then that I can hear another’s heart.

      1. Yes! I completely agree, Beth. Nicely put, to hear another’s heart. I love that! It’s so great when that happens too. It makes us feel more connected to each other, when we truly listen and hear the heart behind the words. Very sweet moments indeed.

        I’ve missed you too! I went to Panera twice this week (I’ve been craving their broccoli cheddar soup), and of course that made me think of you. Have a blessed weekend!

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