In Others’ Words: The Hardest Arithmetic

Beth Vogtgratitude, In Others' Words, Quotes 13 Comments

I’m not a math person.

Start talking about any kind of math — algebra, geometry, statistics — and there’s instant white noise in my head.

“I’m sorry but I can’t hear you any longer . . . “

But the challenge of counting my blessings? That’s the kind of math I want to conquer.

Counting blessings … that should be simple enough, right?

But I think it’s all too easy to overlook our blessings — all the reasons we have to be grateful during any given day. We’re focused on all the things we have to do — the all important tasks at hand. Or we’re recounting the frustrations piling up. The perceived injustices — or the actual ones. The missed opportunities. The failures. The “no’s” and the “nots” instead of the “yes’s” and the “you mays.”

But here’s the thing: when we make the simple choice to count one blessing, we more easily see a second, and then a third . . . and the hardest arithmetic becomes easier and easier.

In Your Words: Let’s count blessings today! What’s a blessing you’d like to share with us? I’m blessed by every single person who joins in the conversation here. I’m also blessed by my early morning walks each day — they are such a great way to begin each day. Okay, counting 1 and 2 …

In Others' Words: The Hardest Arithmetic #quotes #gratitude Share on X 'The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.' #Quote by Eric Hoffer #blessings Share on X

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ONLY 2 MORE DAYS to enter the #GoodReadsGiveaway to win one of the 100 #Kindle ebooks of Things I Never Told You by award-winning author @bethvogt. @LibraryJournal praised this novel for its “emotionally rich drama.” Share on X

Comments 13

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  1. First off, as Andrew said, there really are too many to count. Your written words are a blessing though! I have always been encouraged by them but meeting you in person…wow. THAT was a blessing I will never forget. Of course, my husband is my biggest earthly blessing. He knows when I need encouragement and even when I need admonishment. Ooooh….can I say that’s a blessing? Yep. Sure can. And my children…always, even in spite of the pain, they bless me. Oh, today, the roofers are a huge blessing! They finally showed up and now we won’t have anymore leaks! YaY!!! 🙂

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  2. I love the reality of what Andrew said. There’s a simple old Sunday School chorus you may know, “Count your blessings, count them one by one. Count your blessings, see what God has done. Count your blessings, count them one by one. And it will surprise you what the Lord has done.”
    Recalling the blessings and answers He’s already given does fuel our faith and momentum for knowing He continues providing more.

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      Yes, Dee, recalling God’s blessings and answers to our prayers does fuel our faith. I think of the places in Scripture where it talks about recalling what God has done. (Psalm 77:11; Deuteronomy 8:2)

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  3. You. You are my blessing in this moment. I give thanks for your words and books and authors who take me around the world. Those who God uses to encourage me daily. Thanks

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