In Others’ Words: The Importance of Dreams

Beth Vogtdreams, In Others' Words, perspective, Uncategorized 4 Comments

moonlit night

Someone came up to me the other day and said, “I didn’t know you were an author!”

I smiled and said, “Yes, I am.”

Whenever someone says something like this to me, I pause and  remember I’m living my dream.

This crazy, challenging, some-days-I’m-not-sure-I can-do-it career? It’s my childhood dream come true.

And sometimes, I forget  it all started because years ago, I imagined that one day I would be an author.

Dreams are important because they are the genesis of so many good and beautiful things. Life-changing things. Our dreams change us as we pursue them. Dreams teach us to be stronger. Braver.  And the things we imagine can change others, too. The dreams of creatives result in books and songs and paintings that inspire others. And then there are the dreamers who produce scientific and cultural advancements. Or the people who dare to imagine cultural or spiritual advancement.

So many good things start with a beautiful, unexpected moment of imagination giving birth to a dream.

In Your Words: What dream are you living out loud today? Or what dream are you imagining today?

In Others' Words: The Importance of Dreams #quotes #imagination Share on X 'Dreams are extremely important. You can't do it unless you imagine it.' Quote by George Lucas. #dreams #imagination Share on X






Comments 4

  1. Great quote and post, Beth!

    I think there is a flip sie, that we can’t let our dreams define us. Mine will assuredly not come true; the last week of standing knee-deep in their wreckage, eaten away by pain and fatigue, has taught me this.

    Dreams live in the space-time continuum; I don’t. My definition comes from my Paternity.

    And yet…the dreams that have fallen into ruin are, I think, saved by the Almighty, and given us once again when we are in His Presence. Not complete and fulfilled, but as works in progress, that we may complete in the fullness of Eternity.

    They are, in the end, not vital to us…but I think they may be vital for Him.

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      Andrew: You bring up a good point about the need to hold our dreams with open hands — and that yes, dreams can change. That we can change. And that the dreams that our vital to us, precious to us, are also precious to the one who made us. Truth be told, you bring up several good points. 🙂

  2. God has more than fulfilled my travel dreams and I’m thankful to still be enjoying more.
    I still have writing dreams, have accomplished some with more on track I believe, but I’m also gifted with amazingly talented and great-hearted friends.
    I’m also seeing that after recently re-reading about the Pharisee in the marketplace, it’s not about the accomplishments but our relationships and responses to Him and others that define us most of all. I’m thankful for many great and in some cases quite unexpected blessings.

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