It’s Not Too Early to be Thinking About 2022

Beth Vogtchange, choices, Christmas, encouragement, expectations, Faith, goals, hope, Life, listen, New Year, One Word, perseverance, perspective, prayer, Quotes 8 Comments


A lot of people are counting down the days until Christmas. There are 73 days until December 25, my friends.

But did you know there are 80 days until the start of 2022?

If those 80 days race by like the other 285, then January 1, 2022 will show up on our calendars before we’re ready.

I’ll admit I’ve only just started my Christmas shopping, not to mention the discussion of Thanksgiving dinner with my adult kiddos that is in 44 days. But I have one very important item in place for 2022: I know my One Word for 2022!

 Some of you want to say, “Beth, it’s too early to think about New Year’s resolutions. We also don’t need to think about our One Words for the next year.”

But I always start to pray in September about next year’s One Word. When potential words come to mind, I ponder them, waiting to see if they stay with me. If they don’t, I keep praying. In past years, I’ve settled on my annual One Word as early as September and as late as December.

I’m finishing my 16th year choosing One Word instead of writing out New Year’s resolutions. Doing this has been life changing for me. I always lost my list of well-intentioned resolutions, but it’s difficult to forget a single word, especially when you back it up with a visual of some sort and a meaningful Scripture verse.

Both 2020 and 2021 were focused on the One Word “listen.” I’ve done everything from talking less – of course! – to posting quotes about listening on my Instagram feed. And I do believe I’ve become a better listener. I hope I don’t forget the lessons I’ve learned. The biggest lesson learned?

I like to listen to other people.

 What’s my One Word for 2022?


Based on these wise words by Mother Teresa, I feel like God’s been preparing my heart for 2022: “God speaks in the silence of the heart. Listening is the beginning of prayer.”

 I’m eager to see where God will lead me in the coming year as I follow him into a new adventure of prayer.

Have you thought about your One Word for 2022?


It's Not Too Early to be Thinking About 2022 #OneWord #focus Share on X 'I'm looking forward to the future, and feeling grateful for the past.' #quote by @mikeroweworks #anticipation #focus Share on X



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PREORDER SALE: The #ebook for Unpacking Christmas: A Thatcher Sisters Novella is available now for only $2.99! “…Unpacking Christmas will delight you,” says NYT’s bestselling author @RachelHauck #ChristmasNovella #family Share on X

Comments 8

  1. Yes, my friend, I’ve got a word
    for the coming year,
    and while some find it untoward,
    my One Word is MoreBeer,
    and yeah, I know, I really do,
    it rams two words together,
    but after all the world’s been through,
    it does make sense to weather
    all the man-made crises
    that will afflict the land,
    by knowing where the ice is,
    and keeping Bud at hand
    and resolving, thus, to move along
    with brewskis in the rosy dawn.

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      Andrew, you’ve put a smile on my face, my friend. Yes, there’ve been plenty of man-made crises during this past year. I’m going to pray (See what I did there?) for more peace and unity in 2022.
      Always praying for you.

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      Sherrinda: I’m so excited about “pray” as my One Word for 2022. I want to finish out 2021 strong, of course, but my heart is settled on “pray” for the coming year. Let me know what One Word you get for 2022.

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  2. I have not thought about my word for next year. My year for this year is “surrender.” Last year my word was “hope,” which was a gift from God if there ever was one! Thanks for the reminder to start praying for next year’s word!

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