Making Today and Every Day an Opportunity to Encourage Others

Beth Vogtchange, choices, encouragement, gratitude, hope, kindness, Life, Love, mental health, perspective, Quotes, Relationships 14 Comments


Did you know that September 12 was National Day of Encouragement? That it’s an annual national holiday?

I didn’t.

With just a bit of research, I discovered National Day of Encouragement started when a group of high school students attending a leadership forum were asked:

  1. what was the biggest problem young people were facing
  2. what’s a solution for the problem

The problem? Lack of encouragement.

The solution? Declaring September 12 National Day of Encouragement. It’s been an official holiday since 2007.

Let’s back up. The students were asked to name the biggest problem affecting them. Of all the things they could have selected – financial struggles, family struggles, academic struggles – they lasered in on lack of encouragement.

Anybody else surprised besides me?

I’m all for having a National Day of Encouragement.

We have all sorts of “National Days” throughout the year. Just in September, there’s National Bowling League Day (Sept. 3); National Play-Doh Day (Sept. 16); National Car Free Day (Sept. 22); and National Good Neighbor Day (Sept. 28).

Back to the National Day of Encouragement. What about purposing to encourage others every day of the year, not just one day in September?

Are we choosing to be kind to others daily, considering both the words we speak and how we interact with others?

Encouragement can be something as simple as remembering to say please or thank you or good job. A smile, tipping the barista in the Starbucks drive-thru, or writing a short note can also cheer up someone. So often people don’t feel seen, much less appreciated or valued. When we take the time to let another person know we value them and what they do, that we are grateful for them, we change the course of their day – maybe even their life.

Encouragement means we offer someone support, confidence, or hope. Sometimes we don’t realize how much someone needs a boost of confidence or an influx of hope. What we say, what we do, makes more difference than we ever realize. Our words of encouragement can become a true blessing in someone else’s life.

Never underestimate the investment of encouragement in someone else’s life.

When has someone else’s encouragement made a difference in your life?

Making Today and Every Day an Opportunity to Encourage Others #hope #kindness Share on X 'Hope and encouragement, especially hope, is probably one of the greatest things you can give another person.' #quote by coach Becky Hammon #hope #encouragement Share on X

There’s still time to enter my contest designed for all you booklovers, with a dash of Christmas thrown in! You can enter here .

Here's Your Chance to #Win Some Novels: the Thatcher Sisters Series and Unpacking Christmas: A Thatcher Sisters Christmas Novella by @bethvogt #booklovers #Christmasnovella @Crazy4Fiction Share on X

Comments 14

  1. I remember years ago still early in knowing you when you said a few words of kindness and encouragement during devotions at an ACFW conf. that brought me to tears. Kindness and encouragement unlocks things that nothing else can.

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  2. In modern days we’ve turned within
    to Netflix and iPhone,
    and on the porch the sagging swing
    stands silent and alone.
    Neighbours leave from the garage
    in window-tinted SUV;
    to encourage is our charge,
    but if we never see
    those who live scant feet away,
    exchange nor smile, nor wave,
    what is there that we might say
    that would, perhaps, begin to save
    a downcast heart kept hip and hidden
    from its streamlined lonely prison?

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  3. I had never heard of National Encouragement Day! I used to daily make an intention to encourage one person that day (at least). You’ve prompted me to get intentional again around encouraging others.

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  4. This–> “When we take the time to let another person know we value them and what they do, that we are grateful for them, we change the course of their day – maybe even their life.”

    It costs nothing to be kind and encouraging. And you’re right–those simple moments can be life-changing.

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  5. I loved the series about the Thatcher sisters! I hope that your Christmas Novella about them will be for sale in case I don’t win the drawing!!!

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  6. I never knew there was a National Day of Encouragement. But it is much needed. The most encouragement I ever had was from my BFF, who died several years ago. I really miss her sweet words and loving attitude. Thanks for sharing.

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