Redefining Balance So We Stop Thinking We’re Doing Life Wrong

Beth VogtBeth K. Vogt, challenges, change, expectations, In Others' Words, Life, perseverance, perspective, Quotes, Reality, stress 12 Comments


I have a certain morning routine.

I typed that sentence and immediately – immediately – thought of the many ways my “certain” morning routine is interrupted on any given day.

I walked away from this blog post and made myself a cup of tea. Came back, started typing again, all the while laughing out loud so that my husband said, “What? What?”

I read him what I’d written and he laughed too, because he’s seen my morning routine up close.

Some days my morning goes smoothly. I get up early. Go walk the dog with my husband. Text close friends and family the daily “morning meme.” Have quiet time. Keep the TV on in the background – hey, I like all three hours of the Today show – while diving into writing.

And some days, there’s no routine at all.

Some days I interrupt my schedule on purpose.

Some days things just happen. Phone calls. Appointments. Meetings. Emergencies. We all know how those can happen.

Yesterday, my morning routine was interrupted by the arrival of a neighbor, three barking dogs, and yelling. Me and my neighbor. Not at each other – at the dogs. And let me tell you, that early morning episode unsettled me for a while. I don’t like yelling. At all. And we’ve been dealing with an ongoing family issue which has left me with very little emotional margin.

When people ask me how I’m doing these days, my answer is, “I’m juggling.”  I’ve found all these various GIFs of people juggling – Ha Ha, isn’t it funny? – and I share them. No words. Just a picture because it’s worth a thousand words, right?

Juggling is exhausting. It’s also not supposed to be a full-time gig. Professional jugglers don’t juggle every day, all the time.

Which brings me to the whole idea of balance because juggling involves balance.

My friend Wise Guy and I were talking about balance one day. Wise Guy gave me the best definition of balance – a visual, really. He stood up. Picked one of his feet up off the floor. Leaned back until he was off-balance. And then he proceeded to lean forward and backward, adjusting his position again and again, so that he never lost his balance completely.

Balance is not static.

 Maintaining our balance? It takes work because balance changes with time and circumstances.

Sometimes our morning routine works. Sometimes it doesn’t.

Sometimes we’re only juggling three things.

Sometimes we’re juggling normal life and then a huge, unexpected emergency is added and we’re knocked off balance, but we still have to keep juggling. We have to adjust to keep our balance, too.

And sometimes, sometimes, we have to juggle and balance longer than we expected.

Life is hard. It doesn’t mean we’re doing anything wrong.

It means we’re alive.

I needed this reminder today. Maybe you did too.

You’re doing okay, probably better than you think you are. Breathe. And remember:

Balance is not static.

Keeping our balance means we adjust … adjust … adjust.

Redefining Balance So We Stop Thinking We're Doing Life Wrong #expectations #encouragement #balance Share on X 'Balance makes me grumpy.' Quote by @JennaBushHager #expectations #balance #perspective Share on X

Comments 12

  1. Some will say that I’m unbalanced,
    and others that, well, I’m quite mad,
    but I take pride in lunatic talents
    which, I hope, are not all bad.
    If your life has gone to pieces
    I am quite the bloke to call,
    with my speed-dial set to Jesus,
    we’ll get things fixed, and have a ball.
    Yes, perhaps that is presumption,
    and you should be circumspect,
    but if you’ve got chutzpah and gumption
    you may earn God’s grudging respect.
    So have a beer, and sit ye down,
    ’cause God Hisself will come to town!

    1. Post

      Andrew: Your sonnet made me smile this morning. You always start the conversation off with wit and flair, my friend. And yes, your speed-dial is set on Jesus. Your faith doesn’t waver in the midst of all your facing, every single day. You remind me that balance is about adjust, adjust, adjust — every. single. day.

  2. I almost laughed out loud at this great quote and blog. Yes, juggling is quite a skill. The picture I often imagine for it is juggling lots of balls over our heads and once in a while dropping one–ouch. But picking them up, starting over, and gaining skill. Maybe even teaching others out of the distilled experience, as you do, so that after a whilel it may become an art form, a thing of beauty, manageable. (I can see your book on library shelves now, “Juggling made Easy”. That’s my hope and prayer for your juggling today–and mine, as I prepare to switch households and start driving south two days from now.

    1. Post

      Good morning, Dee: Isn’t this quote great? I’ve had it on file for weeks, waiting for the spark to use it … just the right timing. When Jenna Bush Hager said it, my heart responded with a loud, “Yes!” We all juggle, we all seek balance … we just need to offer ourselves and each other grace in the process.

  3. This explains my grumpiness!


    Loved the picture of you walking away from your thoughts and laughing as you tried to capture them again. Great scene! Life has been so extra… life-y. The thought of balance often makes me laugh too — when I’m not busy being grumpy.

    I also loved your husband’s visual. Balance is not static. And, dang if all that balancing doesn’t call up little used muscles and make them sore.

    I could go on and on. And since life is life, I will…

    balance. Oy!

    1. Post

      Bernadette: First, I have to clarify something — “Wise Guy” is not my husband — although Rob is a very smart guy. Wise Guy is a close friend and counselor who shows up in my blog on occasion. I dubbed him “Wise Guy” years ago because he is very wise. His nickname allows him a bit of anonymity here.

      “Life has been so … life-y.”
      So well said, my friend. I know exactly what you mean.

      1. (Facepalm) Thanks for clarifying. I could say I was in a hurry to get back to my life-y life and misread, but I’m pretty sure I’ve had this wrong in my head forever.

        There’s often a lot that’s wrong in my head… ? It’s not even embarrassing anymore. Ha.

        Love and hugs! Keep calm and balance on!

  4. Thank you for encouraging us, dear Beth. This is exactly what I needed to read as I juggle stuff due to a change in my routine this week. I keep thinking I’m forgetting something until I look at my day planner and see my to-do list isn’t too crazy yet. 🙂 I’m glad life is supposed to be lived one day at a time. It’s doable.

    Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

    1. Post

      Hello, dear friend,
      I’ll be praying for you as you adjust to the change in your routine this week. And yes, we can only live one day at a time — hour by hour and minute by minute.
      May you experience God’s grace as you do.

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