Sometimes We Need to be Reminded There’s Always Hope

Beth Vogtanxiety, brokenness, challenges, choices, crisis, encouragement, expectations, Faith, grace, grief, hope, Life, perseverance, perspective, Quotes, Scripture, suffering, trust 10 Comments


“There’s always hope,” my daughter Amy said.

“I’ll hope in a minute,” I told her.

I was sitting down, leaning over, grappling with some unexpected news. Unwanted news. The kind that takes your breath away, even as your eyes sting with tears.

You know what I mean, right?

For just a minute, you lose your grip on hope … and then your fingers tighten around the trustworthy expectation again before it slips away.

Got it.

Yes. There’s always hope.

My author-friend Cynthia Ruchti says, “I can’t unravel. I’m hemmed in hope.”

Some days threaten to fray our hearts, don’t they? We get bad news. Or someone we love needs a shoulder to lean on as they bear up under an unexpected heartache.

This life can feel like a maze of dark valleys. And while I believe God never leaves us or forsakes us, earthly trials try us. Hope seems thin — unable to hold up the weight of our troubles.

But my hope is not some man-made, prepackaged product you’ll find on a shelf at Target or Costco.


My faith in God grants me room to be honest. To say, “I need to catch my breath. This grieves me — but I still have hope.” (I Thessalonians 4:13-18)

My hope is eternal. Priceless. Grace-filled. The kind of hope that holds up under the weight of the most difficult days … that lights the way through dark valleys.

How’s your hope holding up this week? 


Sometimes We Need to be Reminded There's Always Hope #encouragement #faith Share on X 'I can't unravel. I'm hemmed with hope.' #quote by @cynthiaruchti #hope #trust Share on X


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PREORDER SALE: The #ebook for Unpacking Christmas: A Thatcher Sisters Novella is available now for only $2.99! “…Unpacking Christmas will delight you,” says NYT’s bestselling author @RachelHauck #ChristmasNovella #family Share on X

Comments 10

  1. Cancer’s boulder stops the plow,
    and I’ve hit the bloody limit.
    I can’t really do it now,
    but I’ll hope in a minute.
    There is always hope, some say,
    and they’re right, I know,
    but I have yet to find a way
    to hope away my Alamo,
    to see the sun beyond the storm,
    to hear the lark-song through the thunder,
    to laugh when weeping is the norm…
    how, oh Lord? I wonder!
    But in this dark I must persist
    to hold to hope that hope exists.

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  2. That’s a great quote. My hope has staggered a bit with a significant challenge but the Lord delights me by bringing songs to remembrance–some I barely even know. Today the one with the chorus, “Some through the fire, some through the flood, some through the water, but all through the blood…” with its verses has made me smile and bucked up my hope a bit. God is up to something good even if I can’t see it all yet.

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  3. Oh my, dear Beth, I doubly love this post. I, too, am grateful for the hope God gives us. He hems us tightly to Himself with perfect love.

    I look forward to reading your novella. And I also adore Cynthia’s writing. Her latest book has blessed me so many times already as I apply the tips from Spouse in the House to my own home life.

    Blessings ~ Wendy Mac <3

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  4. I love Emily Dickinson’s poem about hope that starts this way: “Hope” is the thing with feathers –
    That perches in the soul –
    And sings the tune without the words –
    And never stops – at all –

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