Unpacking My One Word for 2022

Beth Vogtchange, choices, encouragement, expectations, Faith, hope, Life, New Year, One Word, perspective, prayer, Quotes, words 11 Comments



I’m five days into focusing on my One Word for 2022. A quick reminder, because you’re not responsible to remember my One Word: I’m focusing on the word pray.

Pray, not prayer.

I’m specific about the difference between the two words. Prayer is a noun, a word referring to a person, place, or thing. Pray is a verb, a word referring to an action or occurrence. This year, I want to be actively praying.

While I didn’t set aside my 2021 One Word listen before the end of the year, I did find myself concentrating on “pray” before I’d turned my calendar to 2022. I even started wearing my “pray” necklace in mid-December. When I pray for someone during the day, I clasp the medallion with the word “pray” stamped on it.

My friend Jeanne gifted me my visual for my One Word: a sign with the words “Pray, Trust, Wait,” printed against a gray background. A good reminder that not all answers to prayer are immediate.

An unexpected addition to my year of prayer is a soft gray blanket from my friend Fran. It’s become a prayer shawl, something I wrap around my shoulders as I pray each morning. And yes, there are versions of prayer shawls, to include the one referred to in Old Testament that includes fringe that reminds the wearer of God’s commandments, as well as another type of prayer shawl that is prayed over while it is knitted or crocheted, and then given as a gift.

For me, wrapping this blanket/shawl around my shoulders signifies it’s time to pray. I like to think this shawl will be saturated with my prayers. It may be just my imagination … but I’m going with it.

I also plan to read various books on prayer this year. I’ve started with 100 Prayers Every Christian Should Know: Build Your Faith with the Prayers That Shaped History by Bethany House Publishers. Categories include Prayers for Peace and Comfort; Prayers for Light and Guidance in the Darkest Hours; Prayers of Thanksgiving and Gratitude; and Prayers for Humility.

I’m just beginning my 2022 prayer pilgrimage. I’m not certain where this path will lead me, but I certainly hope – pray – it will draw me closer to God.

So that’s me and my One Word for 2022. How about you?


Unpacking My One Word for 2022 #OneWord2022 #thepowerofoneword Share on X 'There's power in words. Beauty in words. Grace in words... They stimulate our creativity. And they script our possibilities.' #quote from My One Word Challenge by @mikeashcraft and @RachelOlsen #words #OneWord Share on X



Comments 11

  1. Love your word.

    I haven’t chosen a word, yet. I’ve vacillated on a few, and I just need a clear hear to figure out what I need/want.

    1. Post
  2. I guess I really oughta pray,
    and that I don’t, it’s odd,
    but now I walk through every day
    side by Side with God,
    and we natter like old chums
    over pints of frothing ale,
    talking over that which comes,
    and what’s the foulest gaol.
    He’s bonza, but He eschews great
    so He can talk and laugh
    like the grandest kind of mate
    who’ll give no autograph
    because, He says, it wastes His time,
    and then He does ask me for mine.

    1. Post
  3. I like your word. And I like Andrew’s way of praying. God and I do that–talk a lot each day. And then on the days I’m writing, we talk even more. 🙂

    I used to knit prayer shawls for chemo patients to use when they went for treatment. I would pray for the person I was knitting it for, even if I didn’t know their name. Same thing with knitting booties for our crisis pregnancy center…One day I’ll get back to that.
    Have a blessed 2022!

    1. Post

      Oh, Pat, what a beautiful ministry — knitting prayer shawls for chemo patients and booties for your crisis pregnancy center. So meaningful and eternal. Love to you, my friend.

  4. Pray is a verb and a privilege that so many fail to initiate. Our Father longs to hear our words. I love your word for this year and how you continue to partner it with last year’s word. Pray and listen are two verbs that go hand-in-hand. So excited to see how God guides your pray journey this year.

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  5. Beth, I love this post. And I love the intentionality of choosing the verb instead of the noun. And, I love the idea of placing your gray blanket around your shoulders as you pray. I think of, I think it was Mrs. Wesley with a crazy amount of children, who pulled her shawl over her head to pray and to signal to her family that she was praying.

    Wear the shawl = praying. I like that.

    1. Post

      Jeanne: I remember that story about Susanna Wesley. I’ve enjoyed using my prayer shawl. And thanks for commenting on this post — last week’s post. I got taken down by a virus this week — not THAT VIRUS — a missed posting a new blog post. Just a reminder to have a backup, but I’m not certain I’d had the energy to post it. I’m thankful I’m feeling better tonight.

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