What to Do When You’re Heavy-Hearted

Beth Vogtanxiety, brokenness, challenges, choices, emotions, encouragement, expectations, Faith, Fear, Friendship, grief, hope, Life, perseverance, perspective, Quotes, Scripture, strength, stress 10 Comments


I’ve heard the term “heavy-hearted” quite a bit recently.

People are heavy-hearted about their life circumstances – from family struggles to friends’ setbacks. People are heavy-hearted about life “out there” – events playing out across the world via nonstop news headlines every single hour of the day.

How do we counterbalance the ongoing challenges that weigh our hearts down?

The visual that came to my mind was of an old-fashioned seesaw – maybe you call it a teeter-totter. Imagine that on one end is your heart, weighed down with:

  • Grief
  • Fear
  • Doubt
  • Anger
  • Exhaustion

The other end of the seesaw is stuck up in the air. What can we do to offset our heavy-heartedness?

Consider these three things that help me lighten my heart:

  1. Focus on Unchanging Truth. Circumstances in our lives change. Sometimes they improve. Sometimes they get worse. I don’t know about you, but while things are better in 2021, they’re still a bit too unsettled for me. The headlines unsettle me. Focusing on Truth lifts my heavy heart. This verse is encouraging me this week: When I am filled with cares, your comfort brings me joy. (Psalm 94:19 CSB)
  2. Be honest with someone about your heart condition. I have a precious friend who asks me on a regular basis, “How’s your heart?” She knows I’ll give her a truthful answer because that’s the kind of relationship we’ve built with one another. I also have the freedom to ask her the same question. Talking with her, praying with her, lifts the burdens from my heart.
  3. Be on your guard. If we’re not careful, we’re inundated with information all day long – and sometimes all night long. I don’t turn the TV on first thing in the morning just to check the headlines. I limit how often I scan the news on my phone. I also try not to check the news right before I go to sleep – that’s a guaranteed way to ramp up my anxiety.

What about you? How do you lighten your heart when it’s weighed down?

What to Do When You're Heavy-Hearted #challenges #hope Share on X 'If you share in a heart-felt sorrow, you can lighten the load of a friend. Sometimes sharing the burden together can mend two broken hearts in the end.' #quote by Wes Fesler #heavyhearted #hope Share on X

Comments 10

    1. Post

      Therese: I started several other blog post topics before I settled on this one for today. I always pray over what I post … so this one is meant just for today. I hope you and anyone else who reads it are encouraged.

  1. I’ve read quite a few blog posts this week about heavy hearts. It’s understandable considering the darkness pervading our country and our world. No matter what, though, Jesus is the Light and Hope that outshines that darkness. I love the suggestions you shared, Beth, and I’m thankful you’re the kind of person who walks with family and friends through dark times and times of light.

    1. Post

      Lisa: It seems I unknowingly tapped into a theme this week — but then again, it’s no surprise. And yes, God offers us the greatest hope, the best light. Thank you too, my friend, for always encouraging others. I loved your blog post about how God gave you a double-answer-to-prayer. 🙂

  2. They say I should be weighted down;
    my cancer, and the world today!
    “It’s OK to wear a frown,
    to look at life in shades of grey.”
    I guess this may be well and true
    in vale of dismal circumstance,
    but I am me and am not you,
    and brother, I intend to dance
    like David, nude before the Lord,
    sins and joys alike displayed,
    brought into bright hand-clap accord
    and nevermore to be dismayed
    by doom’s sad groaning harbingers
    who count their woes upon their fingers.

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  3. It’s true when I help someone and the Lord gives me His help/encouragement for them, my heart is instantly lighter. Everything shrinks to a more manageable proportion. I love it when that happens. Makes me eager to look for those opportunities!

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