Doing the Hard Work of Reconciliation

Beth VogtBeth K. Vogt, challenges, change, choices, family, forgiveness, Life, perspective, Quotes, Relationships, trust 8 Comments

@bethvogt My youngest daughter, Christa and I had an argument two weeks ago. Arguing is unusual for us. It’s unusual for me to argue with any of my adult children. That said, a rather intense verbal wrangling occurred, with both of us saying, “You wanna’ go?” at some point. It sounds better when an almost 20-year-old says it. Christa here. …

Choosing to Realize Being “Good and Mad” is All Wrong

Beth VogtBeth K. Vogt, challenges, change, choices, emotions, Faith, forgiveness, Friendship, In Others' Words, Life, perspective, Quotes, Relationships, trust 10 Comments

@bethvogt I almost got into an argument with a good friend yesterday – one of my best friends, as a matter of fact. But I hit a huge roadblock on my way to getting “good and mad.” I was lining up all my reasons for being angry and staying that way, and then I got up to walk around my …

When You Meet a Family Crisis on a Street Corner

Beth VogtBeth K. Vogt, brokenness, challenges, choices, crisis, family, kindness, Life, perspective, Quotes, Reality, Relationships 17 Comments

Learning to Listen with Our Hearts @bethvogt   I went for a walk with my friend Mary yesterday morning. We’re long-time walking buddies, but this was our first opportunity in months to go walking together. You know how life gets busy and days go by and you keep thinking, “Maybe tomorrow there’ll be time to do (fill in the blank.)” …