Choosing to Do the Work to Reap the Benefits of Marriage

Beth VogtBeth K. Vogt, challenges, change, choices, expectations, failure, family, forgiveness, grace, hope, Life, Love, perfectionism, perseverance, perspective, Quotes, Reality, Relationships, trust 10 Comments

I blew it with my husband, Rob, the other day. To be more specific — I blew up at Rob over the most trivial thing. Rather than dealing with the unexpected interruption to my day – I did say it was minor, right? – I called Rob and made sure he knew I was upset. That I didn’t appreciate what …

7 Quotes to Challenge Your Perspective on Life, Love, and Relationships (and a Giveaway)

Beth VogtAuthors, Beth K. Vogt, emotions, expectations, Faith, family, forgiveness, Friendship, hope, kindness, Life, Love, perspective, Quotes, Relationships, Romance, trust 8 Comments

@bethvogt   As I considered possible topics for today’s blog post, I decided to indulge my love of quotes and create graphics for you to enjoy. You’ll find quotes from some of my favorite authors, including two of my writing mentors — waving at you, Rachel Hauck and Susan May Warren. What are some of your favorite quotes about life, …

Doing the Hard Work of Reconciliation

Beth VogtBeth K. Vogt, challenges, change, choices, family, forgiveness, Life, perspective, Quotes, Relationships, trust 8 Comments

@bethvogt My youngest daughter, Christa and I had an argument two weeks ago. Arguing is unusual for us. It’s unusual for me to argue with any of my adult children. That said, a rather intense verbal wrangling occurred, with both of us saying, “You wanna’ go?” at some point. It sounds better when an almost 20-year-old says it. Christa here. …

Facing the Reality That Peace Isn’t Always Possible

Beth Vogtacceptance, Beth K. Vogt, brokenness, challenges, choices, expectations, Faith, family, forgiveness, Friendship, grace, grief, hope, Life, perspective, Quotes, Relationships, sisters 23 Comments

@bethvogt I spent the past four years writing a “Little Women gone wrong” women’s fiction series about a trio of sisters trying to discover if they can move from a truce to trusting one another. Maybe they do. Maybe they don’t. Magicians don’t reveal how they do their tricks, right? And authors don’t reveal what’s hidden between the covers of …

How Do We Choose Love and Grace Over Being Right?

Beth VogtBeth K. Vogt, challenges, change, choices, expectations, forgiveness, Friendship, grace, Love, perspective, Quotes, Relationships 15 Comments

Sometimes I just like being right. And that’s when I usually end up saying the wrong thing. Yes, I’m telling you this because I “righted” myself into the wrong corner a few days ago. I didn’t realize how my conversation with my friend Gianna had veered into unexpected territory until she said, “You’re angry with me, aren’t you?” I stopped …

Must We Forget to Forgive?

Beth VogtBeth K. Vogt, brokenness, choices, forgiveness, grace, hope, Life, perspective, Quotes, Relationships 17 Comments

I spent some time yesterday talking with a new friend about forgiveness – both what I’ve learned and what I’ve un-learned about forgiving someone who has hurt me. As we talked, she mentioned the words, “Forgive and forget.” I’m not a fan of those three words. Please, don’t misunderstand me. I value forgiveness. Reconciliation is my favorite word in the …

Choosing to Realize Being “Good and Mad” is All Wrong

Beth VogtBeth K. Vogt, challenges, change, choices, emotions, Faith, forgiveness, Friendship, In Others' Words, Life, perspective, Quotes, Relationships, trust 10 Comments

@bethvogt I almost got into an argument with a good friend yesterday – one of my best friends, as a matter of fact. But I hit a huge roadblock on my way to getting “good and mad.” I was lining up all my reasons for being angry and staying that way, and then I got up to walk around my …

Who’s to Blame for Bullying?

Beth Vogtbullying, challenges, change, choices, family, forgiveness, freedom, hope, In Others' Words, Life, perspective, Quotes, Relationships, suffering 6 Comments

Reality, Forgiveness, and an Apology by @bethvogt Bullying is a hot topic these days. It gets talked about in schools and covered in the media. Experts discuss both cause and prevention – admitting that solutions to bullying are not simple.  About 1 in 3 U.S. students experience bullying. Yeah, that statistic bothers me … but I grieved when my daughter …

In Others’ Words: An Adventure in Forgiveness

Beth Vogtforgiveness, In Others' Words, Quotes 10 Comments

Sometimes the most profound truths require the least amount of words. “Life is an adventure in forgiveness.” Six words. Life-changing truth, wouldn’t you agree? Forgiveness is an adventure that leads us into the wide open spaces of freedom. Unforgiveness leads us to a dark dead end of anger and resentment and bitterness.  We have a choice: to forgive or not …